Trading Philosophy 101
How to Use Fundamental Analysis

Trade Like a Pro – How to Use Fundamental Analysis for Winning Decisions

Fundamental analysis is a method of analyzing Forex, securities and other financial markets by analyzing economic, financial, and other qualitative and quantitative factors. It’s a way to evaluate a currency or a country’s economic health and performance, which can help traders to make informed decisions about buying or selling a currency.

Core Fundamental Indicators

One of the essential elements of fundamental analysis is studying a country’s economic indicators, such as GDP, inflation, and unemployment. GDP, or gross domestic product, measures a country’s economic output and growth. Inflation, on the other hand, is a measure of the rate at which prices for goods and services are rising. Unemployment measures the percentage of the labor force without work but seeking employment. A country with a strong GDP, low inflation, and low unemployment is generally considered to have a strong economy, which can lead to a stronger currency.

Central Bank Policies

Another vital element of fundamental analysis is studying a country’s central bank policy. Central banks are responsible for monetary policy, which can significantly impact currency exchange rates. For example, when a central bank raises interest rates, the currency may appreciate as investors seek higher returns. When interest rates are lowered, the currency may depreciate. Higher interest rates also impact the stock markets as it increases the borrowing cost. For example, if it’s Tesla Inc. its stock price may decline due to a higher borrowing cost.

Political Developments

Political developments can also have a large impact on the Forex market. Political stability and a predictable policy environment are positive for a currency, while political uncertainty and instability can lead to a weaker currency. For example, if an election is coming and the outcome is uncertain, it could decrease the currency’s value.

Trade Balance

Another important aspect of fundamental analysis is studying a country’s trade balance. The difference between a country’s exports and imports is its trade balance. A large trade surplus (exports greater than imports) of a country is generally considered to have a strong economy, which can lead to a stronger currency.


In conclusion, fundamental analysis is a powerful tool traders can use to make informed decisions about buying or selling currency. By studying a country’s economic indicators, central bank policy, political developments, and balance of trade, traders can gain a deeper understanding of a currency’s underlying value and potential for future appreciation or depreciation. It’s important to note that fundamental analysis should be combined with other forms of analysis, such as technical analysis, to make a complete decision. Traders should also be aware that the market can be unpredictable and that no analysis can guarantee success.